Keyword research is fundamental to every SEO project for two key reasons:
A keyword is a word or phrase that you want your website to rank for in search results. It can be a single term or multiple words combined.
Search intent is the purpose behind a user's search query. Understanding and matching this intent helps improve your search rankings.
Users seeking knowledge, like "how to make pasta" or "what is cloud computing". Create clear, comprehensive content that directly answers their questions.
Users looking for specific websites or pages, such as "Netflix login" or "Apple support". Ensure your site structure is clear and includes an HTML sitemap for easy navigation.
Users researching before purchase, searching "best smartphone 2025" or "running shoes comparison". Provide detailed product comparisons and honest reviews.
Users ready to buy, searching "buy MacBook Pro" or "order pizza online". Make purchasing easy and clearly display important information like shipping, returns, and pricing.